Directions to Dancer Guy's Studio

Most of Dave's classes are held in the Studio in Dave's home, which is close to the intersection of Trilby Road and Lemay in Fort Collins. Here is how to get there.
  1. Go to the Lemay entrance of the Brittany Knolls subdivision: Brittany Street (indicated by the sign at right). Note that it's Brittany Street only on the west side of Lemay; on the east side, it's called Hawkeye Street. Getting to Brittany Street could happen several ways, depending where you're coming from:

  2. Once you are at the intersection of Lemay and Brittany Street, turn west on Brittany Street and go one block to Buchanan.

  3. Turn right (north) on Buchanan and go three blocks to Marshall Street.

  4. Turn left (west) on Marshall Street and go to the fifth house on the left (south) side of the street. Our address is 813 Marshall Street, and the address is above the garage door. It's the cream-colored ranch-style house, shown below (just remember that the house dressing is creamy ranch).

In other words, once you get on Brittany Street from Lemay, it's the first right, the third left, and the fifth house.

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